Rebar (or reinforcing bar) is commonly used when pouring modern concrete surfaces and driveways to increase strength particularly at tension points where more stress is likely to occur. Rebar is most often made of steel with rough ridges to ensure that the concrete can adhere to it making it almost […]
concrete driveway seal
If you’ve ever had to replace concrete at your home especially your driveway, you already know how expensive and how much of a hassle it can be. At Rock Solid Concrete Sealing Systems, we do our best to educate and inform the homeowners and business owners we come in contact […]
There’s nothing more elegant and beautiful than well done decorative concrete but it does require a bit more care than standard concrete. With standard concrete (like you’d find on your driveway or sidewalks) it can be effectively sealed for up to 25 years with just one application however decorative concrete […]
At Rock Solid Concrete Sealing Systems, we specialize in in keeping concrete surfaces and driveways sealed, protected, and damage-free for our customers. But why is it that we have to seal modern concrete to keep it from cracking and crumbling when there are so many ancient concrete structures still standing […]
Not all concrete sealants are the same especially when it comes to decorative concrete. With so many sealants available at home improvement stores and being offered by an ever growing number of concrete sealing companies in the Kansas City area, it can be tough to figure out which ones work […]
There’s only so many hard freezes your unsealed concrete, driveway and decorative concrete can take before they crack and/or become damaged beyond repair but you don’t have to worry about that when you call Rock Solid Concrete Sealing Systems in Kansas City. This week we’ve seen morning temperatures well below […]
We are all adjusting to the new normal in the age of COVID-19 and we at Rock Solid Concrete Sealing Systems are certainly no exception. While we do enjoy meeting with our customers face to face and shaking their hands, it is simply not in the cards as their health […]
It’s safe to say that the seasons are finally changing and while it wasn’t the most harsh winter we’ve ever seen in the Kansas City area, there were still plenty of freeze/thaw cycles which are extremely hard on unsealed concrete surfaces. Driveway, Concrete and Outdoor Living Space Sealing in Kansas […]
Warmer temperatures and sunny days are a sure sign that winter is finally leaving the Kansas City area and spring is on its way in which is the perfect time to have your home’s concrete sealed and protected and Rock Solid Seal is ready to help. With our Spring Sealing […]
With less than 20 days until the official start of spring and a nice, warm weekend ahead for the Kansas City, winter probably still has a few more snow flakes and cold days up its sleeve but you can schedule concrete and/or driveway sealing before March 15th and save 15% […]