It may be hard to imagine with the unseasonably warm temperatures we’ve been seeing this fall in Kansas City but winter is right around the corner and if you’ve been putting off sealing your driveway and concrete, time is quickly running out. At Rock Solid Concrete Sealing Systems, we’ve slowly […]
concrete driveway sealing Overland Park
We’ve seen quite a few concrete driveway sealing disasters over the years at Rock Solid and we’re always happy to fix and reseal them but the last thing any homeowner wants to see is their concrete damaged from ineffective sealant after winter ends. That’s exactly what happens when you seal […]
Everywhere you go you’re likely to see a good degree of concrete as it is one of, if not the most used construction material in our world today. From concrete buildings, structures and home foundations to sidewalks, garage floors, patios and driveways, concrete has actually been used for hundreds of […]
It may be hard to believe but the official start of winter is just a little over 130 days away and with it will come the brutal cold air that can do serious damage to unsealed concrete surfaces. The good news is that Rock Solid Concrete Sealing Systems can help […]
Every week we at Rock Solid Concrete Sealing Systems see concrete disasters that could have been easily avoided if they had just sealed it. Unfortunately, there are those out there that don’t believe concrete sealing works but we have hundreds of homeowners and business owners in the Kansas City area […]
With summer just around the corner, now is the perfect time to have your concrete surfaces and driveway professionally sealed and Rock Solid is ready to help Kansas City homeowners do just that. With the most trusted, lasting and durable concrete sealant available on the market, Rock Solid continues to […]
There’s certainly been no shortage of bad news recently and to add insult to injury mother nature (as usual) throws a few spring curve balls at the Kansas City area this week in the form of yet another hard freeze. We at Rock Solid Concrete Sealing Systems are not trying […]
In the Kansas City area, we see dramatic temperature swings quite often during a typical winter and this February has been a perfect example with temperatures in the 60’s one day and down to 0 the next. Just like the weather can hard on humans it can also be devastating […]
If you put off sealing your concrete and driveway last year, you may already be too late because with so many freeze/thaw cycles this winter, concrete has had it real rough. Even though it hasn’t been the most snowy winter, the freeze/thaw cycles we’ve seen have put enormous pressure on […]
The Kansas City area has certainly seen it’s share of sleet, snow and ice this winter which means that most concrete surfaces you see on days like today are likely covered with salt or ice melt to prevent slips and falls. While salt may keep us on our feet and […]