We all know that it’s just a matter of time before the bitter winter cold, snow, and ice will arrive in the Kansas City area and this year with many homeowners being stuck at home a lot more then previous years garages have become more than just a place to […]
garage floor sealing Prairie Village
We’ve already had a pretty hearty taste of winter this year in Kansas City and it’s only October which usually means that it’s going to be a lot more cold and snowy than normal which is great for sled riding and building snowmen but not so good for your unsealed […]
You’d be hard pressed to go anywhere in our modern world and not see concrete being used pretty much everywhere. At Rock Solid Concrete Sealing Systems, we pride ourselves on sealing and protecting it for homeowners and business owners in the Kansas City area but concrete has very long and […]
If you didn’t seal your concrete surfaces and driveway this spring, summer or fall, your time has just about run out as bitter winter cold has already arrived making it impossible to for us at Rock Solid to deliver our seal sealing service. With a bit of a warm up […]