With all of the cold and snow we saw last winter in the Kansas City area, this summer is the ideal time to seal, strengthen and protect your concrete surfaces and driveway before damaging freezing temperatures return later this year. At Rock Solid Concrete Sealing Systems, we’ve tried every sealant […]
concrete driveway seal
Concrete driveways take quite a bit of abuse. Between the harsh winter temperatures causing liquids trapped inside to expand causing concrete to crack to vehicles weighing thousands of pounds traveling over them daily, concrete driveways can easily become damaged and need replacing but you can help prevent all of that […]
We’re all booked up for decorative concrete sealing for the summer but we have plenty of spots open for traditional concrete, driveway and garage floor sealing so we’ve decided to make it even more affordable to seal and protect your concrete surfaces in the Kansas City area! Concrete and Driveway […]
If you’ve even driven by a home or business in the spring and wondered why they are having their concrete replaced, chances are they neglected to effectively seal it which is essentially asking for costly repairs. At Rock Solid Concrete Sealing Systems, we help homeowners and business owners in the […]
Water is the ultimate enemy of your concrete surfaces and driveway and if they haven’t been professionally sealed, you could be in for expensive repairs this spring. At Rock Solid Concrete Sealing Systems, we take the worry and hassle out of having to repair or replace your concrete because our […]
It’s officially spring in Kansas City but mother nature still has a few tricks up her sleeve in the form of hard freezes over the past weekend which are not good for unsealed concrete surfaces and driveways. When water freezes, it will expand by up to 9% putting immense pressure […]
Winter was pretty rough in Kansas City which means unsealed concrete surfaces especially your driveway are in need of a little spring TLC and Rock Solid Concrete Sealing Systems is ready to help. With the Kansas City metro’s strongest and longest lasting concrete sealant, spring is the time to make […]
Spring weather is slowly becoming the norm again in the Kansas City area but homeowners and business owners still have plenty of reminders of how rough winter was this year in the form of potholes on nearly every street in the metro. The reason why so many potholes have popped […]
Summer rains are nice at keeping the heat at bay but they can also take a heavy toll on your concrete surfaces and driveway. Water is the universal solvent and while it may be a welcomed break from summer heat waves, it will in fact slowly erode your concrete which […]
The weather is slowly becoming more like spring and if you are a homeowner or business owner in the Kansas City area the last thing you want to do is have to replace your concrete or driveway and you will never have to when you call Rock Solid Concrete Sealing […]