We’ve been saying it for years in the fall at Rock Solid, but the fact is that time is running out to seal and protect your concrete surfaces and driveway before winter arrives. Once the ground temperature gets to 38 degrees or below, our sealant cannot be applied and, if […]
seal concrete driveway Kansas City
It’s officially fall in the Kansas City area and if the end of summer was any indication of how quickly the weather can take a turn on a dime, winter will likely rear it’s cold, ugly head without warning which means time is quickly running out to seal your concrete […]
According to the Farmer’s Almanac, the 2020-2021 winter season will be a brutally cold and snowy one for the Midwest which means that your concrete surfaces and driveway will be under extreme stress and could potentially be damaged unless you seal them this fall. Concrete and Driveway Sealing In Kansas […]
It may be hard to believe but the official start of winter is just a little over 130 days away and with it will come the brutal cold air that can do serious damage to unsealed concrete surfaces. The good news is that Rock Solid Concrete Sealing Systems can help […]
There’s certainly been no shortage of bad news recently and to add insult to injury mother nature (as usual) throws a few spring curve balls at the Kansas City area this week in the form of yet another hard freeze. We at Rock Solid Concrete Sealing Systems are not trying […]
It’s safe to say that the seasons are finally changing and while it wasn’t the most harsh winter we’ve ever seen in the Kansas City area, there were still plenty of freeze/thaw cycles which are extremely hard on unsealed concrete surfaces. Driveway, Concrete and Outdoor Living Space Sealing in Kansas […]
In the Kansas City area, we see dramatic temperature swings quite often during a typical winter and this February has been a perfect example with temperatures in the 60’s one day and down to 0 the next. Just like the weather can hard on humans it can also be devastating […]
The Kansas City area has certainly seen it’s share of sleet, snow and ice this winter which means that most concrete surfaces you see on days like today are likely covered with salt or ice melt to prevent slips and falls. While salt may keep us on our feet and […]
If you didn’t seal your concrete surfaces and driveway this spring, summer or fall, your time has just about run out as bitter winter cold has already arrived making it impossible to for us at Rock Solid to deliver our seal sealing service. With a bit of a warm up […]
We’re certainly not meteorologists at Rock Solid Concrete Sealing Systems but we can say with a pretty good degree of certainty that winter is just about to be here in Kansas City and if you haven’t sealed your concrete and driveway yet, time is running out. With the first freeze […]