You’d be hard pressed to go anywhere in our modern world and not see concrete being used pretty much everywhere. At Rock Solid Concrete Sealing Systems, we pride ourselves on sealing and protecting it for homeowners and business owners in the Kansas City area but concrete has very long and interesting history that goes far beyond our company’s time in business. While the process and advancements of concrete has most certainly evolved of over the years, the principle has always remained the same: to create a liquid based material that can be poured and molded into a hardened, durable substance that lasts for years.
Concrete and Driveway Cleaning and Sealing in Kansas City, Lees Summit and Overland Park

The first recorded use of concrete goes all the way back to around 6500 BC in the regions of Jordan and Syria where concrete was used to create housing, flooring and most importantly for storing water. While somewhat primitive by today’s standards, the concrete from that era has most certainly crumbled away but has been found intact enough to determine its use by archaeologists. Probably the most famous and recognizable use of concrete in ancient times was in ancient Egypt during the building of the Great Pyramids of Giza around 3000 BC. From simple to create mortar consisting of straw and mud to more lasting concrete-like material made from gypsum and lime, the Egyptians became masters of creating concrete that has lasted all the way into the modern era. Meanwhile on the other side of the globe at roughly the same time, the Chinese were using strikingly similar techniques of concrete making to create the Great Wall of China and other structures which have lasted far longer than anyone could have possibly imagined when it was being built.

But the Romans truly revolutionized the use of concrete with using it in nearly every aspect of construction but unlike previous civilizations, their concrete had an advantage. The mixture of seawater, volcanic ash and lime was by far the most superior concrete mixture to date and with the use of wood to form bricks, walls and more precise structural elements, the possibilities of its use became infinite and many Roman concrete structures are still standing today. Modern concrete has come a long way but it is still susceptible to what has always made it weak: water and cold temperatures which cause cracking and internal fracturing.
At Rock Solid Concrete Sealing Systems, we offer the Kansas City area’s most trusted and long lasting sealant that is guaranteed for up to 25 years. Winter is no time to seal concrete and the sealant tends to not bond and we risk damaging our equipment in freezing temperatures but we are scheduling for spring (or spring like weather). Call us today at (816) 406-5995 for concrete and driveway sealed and protected or years to come or CLICK HERE TO TO CONTACT US.
Rock Solid Concrete Sealing Systems Seals and Protects Kansas City’s Concrete and Driveways With Sealant That Lasts.